Berger de Beauce | Breed Information
If you are looking for a Berger de Beauce Dog/Puppy/Stud Dog, click HERE. You can find the price, weight, size, location, etc.

ORIGIN | France |
UTILIZATION | Sheepdog and Guard Dog |
FCI-CLASSIFICATION | Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Section 1 Sheepdogs With working trial |
APPEARANCE | Big, solid, hardy, powerful, well built and muscular, but without lumber |
SIZE | Male: from 65 cm to 70 cm Female: from 61 cm to 68 cm |
WEIGHT | 30 to 45 kg |
TEMPERAMENT | Frank approach and selfassured. The expression is candid, never mean timid or worried. The character of the Beauceron should be gentle and fearless. |
LIFE SPAN | 10-12 years |
GROOMING | Weekly brushing, occasional bath, nails should be trimmed regularly |