Italian Volpino | Breed Information
If you are looking for an Italian Volpino Dog/Puppy/Stud Dog, click HERE. You can find the price, weight, size, location, etc.

ORIGIN | Italy |
UTILIZATION | Guard and companion dog |
FCI-CLASSIFICATION | Group 5 Spitz and primitive type Section 4 European Spitz Without working trial |
APPEARANCE | Small sized dog of Spitz type, compact, harmonious, with a long stand-off coat |
SIZE | Males: 27–30 cm Females: 25–28 cm |
WEIGHT | In proportion to the height at the withers |
TEMPERAMENT | Very attached to his environment and his family, with exuberant temperament, lively, happy and playful |
LIFE SPAN | 12-15 years |
GROOMING | Daily brushing, occasional baths, nails should be trimmed regularly |