Miniature Pinscher | Breed Information
If you are looking for a Miniature Pinscher Dog/Puppy/Stud Dog, click HERE. You can find the price, weight, size, location, etc.

ORIGIN | Germany |
UTILIZATION | House and Companion Dog |
FCI-CLASSIFICATION | Group 2 Pinscher and SchnauzerMolossian breeds – Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs Section 1 Pinscher and Schnauzer type Without working trial |
APPEARANCE | A reduced Image of the German Pinscher without the draw-backs of a dwarfed appearance |
SIZE | Dogs and bitches: 25 to 30 cm |
WEIGHT | Dogs and bitches: 4 to 6 kg |
TEMPERAMENT | Lively, spirited, self assured and evenly tempered |
LIFE SPAN | 12-16 years |
GROOMING | Weekly brushing, occasional bath, nails should be trimmed regularly |