Chihuahua | Breed Information
If you are looking for a Chihuahua Dog/Puppy/Stud Dog, click HERE. You can find the price, weight, size, location, etc.

ORIGIN | Mexico |
UTILIZATION | Companion dog |
FCI-CLASSIFICATION | Group 9 Companion and Toy Dogs Section 6 Chihuahueño Without working trial |
APPEARANCE | His skull is apple-shaped and he carries his moderately long tail very high, either curved or forming the shape of a semicircle with the tip pointing towards the loin region |
SIZE | In this breed, only the weight is taken into consideration, not the height |
WEIGHT | 1 to 3 kg. Ideal weight: between 1,5 and 2,5 kg. |
TEMPERAMENT | Quick, alert, lively and very courageous |
LIFE SPAN | 12-20 years |
GROOMING | Brushing 3 times per week, regular bathing, nails should be trimmed regularly |