Dachshund standard puppies

Red brindle short-haired dachshund puppies.
Show quality!
2 females and 1 male.
Born on July 30, 2023.
Vaccinated, with health record and birth certificate.
Parents –
Father: Cinnamon Cookie Un Coure Vivace: CH SRB, CH BiH, 8xCAC, 3xCACIB, 3xBOB, 2xBOG1, IPO.
Mother: Fortuna El Perro Bianco iz kombinacije Simon Dachsmania (http://www.dachpedigrees.com/dog/simon-dachsmania-nid/421083) x Together Forever El Perro Bianco.
Contact via phone or Viber/Whatsapp for more information.
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