Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home

Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home
Sex: females & males
Place: Obrenovac
Country: Srbija
Phone Number: Call

Doberman puppies for sale, 4 months old, ready for a new home.

Ears and tail are cropped, fully vaccinated.

There is a possibility of home delivery.

For more information contact: +38163231810 (Viber, Whatsapp)

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