Puppies for Sale-Cane Corso

If you want to buy a Cane Corso Puppy/Dog/Stud Dog, search the ads HERE. You can find the price, weight, size, location, etc.

Cane Corso Dog for Sale JCH Srb
Cane Corso Dog for Sale JCH Srb
UTILIZATIONUtility dog, polyvalent
FCI-CLASSIFICATIONGroup 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer,
Molossoid and Swiss
Mountain and Cattledogs.
Section 2.1 Molossian, Mastiff type.
With working trial.
sturdy dog, nevertheless with some elegance
SIZEMales: 64 cm – 68 cm
Females: 60 cm – 64 cm
WEIGHTMales: 45 – 50 kg
Females: 40 – 45 kg
TEMPERAMENTGuardian of property, family
and livestock; extremely agile and responsive
LIFE SPAN10-11 years
GROOMINGWeekly brushing, nails should be kept short, cleaning ears, bathing
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  • miroslav.kevresanov

    for sale baby corsa 2.5 months old Champion origin mom and dad for all other information write to me on mesenger

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