St. Bernard | Breed Information
If you are looking for a St. Bernard Dog/Puppy/Stud Dog, click HERE. You can find the price, weight, size, location, etc.

ORIGIN | Switzerland |
UTILIZATION | Companion-, watch- and farm dog |
FCI-CLASSIFICATION | Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer type, Molossians, Swiss Mountain-and Cattle dogs Section 2.2 Molossian type, Mountain type Without working trial |
APPEARANCE | Impressive general appearance |
SIZE | For males minimum 70 cm For females minimum 65 cm For males maximum 90 cm For females maximum 80 cm |
WEIGHT | Males: 64 to 82 kg Females: 54 to 64 kg |
TEMPERAMENT | Friendly by nature, temperament calm to lively, watchful |
LIFE SPAN | 8-10 years |
GROOMING | Weekly brushing, occasional bath, nails should be trimmed regularly |